Sustain-Able 余 : ♥

….wild is the wind…creative freedom is the seed….

Translation Updated DAILY: Justice for Li Wang yang! RIP!! 中共6.4血債未償,6月6日又再殺人! G20, Is this the Chinese CommunistGovernment you want to do business with?

中共6.4血債未償,6月6日又再殺人 (translated : Chinese communist covered Tiananmen with blood on 4th June 1989 and now on 6th June 2012, the CCP killed again!)

89民運人士湖南邵陽工自聯領袖 李旺陽,23年前因參與民運先後被囚共22年之久。



就此我們要求把凶手繩之以法,給予李旺陽家屬賠償並對民運人士 李旺陽平反

行動:今晚8時,西環 西區警署集合,遊行至中聯辦

李 旺 陽 死 亡 其 親 友 認 為 可 疑 更新:2012/06/06 18:03
一 九 八 九 年 六 四 事 件 期 間 , 擔 任 湖 南 邵 陽 工 自 聯 領 袖 的 李 旺 陽 , 清 晨 被 發 現 在 湖 南 邵 陽 的 醫 院 死 亡 。 當 局 表 示 他 是 自 殺 , 又 強 行 移 走 遺 體 。 但 李 旺 陽 的 親 友 就 指 事 件 非 常 可 疑 。 又 指 李 旺 陽 在 前 一 天 表 示 要 努 力 醫 病 , 並 無 自 殺 傾 向 。
李 旺 陽 的 妹 妹 趕 到 醫 院 時 , 李 旺 陽 的 遺 體 仍 掛 在 窗 邊 。 陪 同 李 旺 玲 到 醫 院 的 還 有 幾 名 朋 友 。 他 們 在 早 上 六 時 多 收 到 院 方 通 知 指 李 旺 陽 自 殺 。 他 們 第 一 時 間 趕 到 醫 院 , 當 時 院 方 仍 未 處 理 遺 體 。 當 局 指 他 是 上 吊 致 死 , 但 當 時 親 友 發 現 遺 體 雙 腳 觸 地 。

親 友 指 李 旺 陽 離 世 前 幾 天 , 一 直 被 至 少 八 、 九 名 公 安 人 員 24 小 時 監 視 。 他 們 覺 得 李 旺 陽 無 自 殺 傾 向 , 覺 得 死 因 非 常 可 疑 。 李 旺 陽 的 朋 友 在 現 場 拍 攝 數 張 相 片 後 , 警 方 就 將 他 們 趕 走 , 並 且 強 行 移 走 李 旺 陽 的 遺 體 。

網 上 消 息 指 , 各 地 有 維 權 人 士 正 前 往 邵 陽 , 協 助 他 的 家 屬 辦 理 後 事 , 而 李 旺 陽 的 親 友 就 正 待 律 師 幫 忙 。

六 十 二 歲 的 李 旺 陽 是 湖 南 邵 陽 的 前 工 運 領 袖 。 他 因 為 六 四 事 件 被 捕 , 先 後 坐 牢 二 十 二 年 , 到 去 年 才 釋 放 。

Those close to Li Wangyang are showing this photo of his “alleged suicide” position and saying:


” I cannot believe this is suicide so I am feeling very bad. A person was killed in hospital and his corpse was left hanging in front of a window! His feet was touching the ground. How can this horror and premeditated murder be permitted ? So like those who were hung on the cross, anyone who witnessed this and had to attest to the Lord’s death, would feel horror and great sadness. From the moment I saw his death cell to now, I cannot tell you the pain that I do not know how to express nor can I tell you how endlessly my tears are flowing and will continue to flow”


Translated: When the chinese community asked for a forensic expert (CSI) to comment on Li Wang Yang’s crime scene, they found:

1) The knot used was an expert knot, commonly known as “The king of knots”, safe & secure & infallible BUT rarely perfected unless someone had expert training. Furthermore there was burnt mark to the head in a position that indicated the victim could not inflict on himself (given his disabilities)

2) Given the weight of Li Wang Yang, if he hung himself, there is no way the rope itself could support his body weight.

3) Li Wang yang’s left hand was clutching a wire coat-hanger, if he had “hung himself” his natural body reflexes would have bent the wire one way or another, yet the Coat-hanger remain in perfect Triangular shape.

In the opinions of the CSI expert in the field, the chances of Li Wang Yang commiting suicide is almost ZERO!

At the time of writing this blog, this news has not broken in the western media yet. This is some basic information about Li Wangyang:


Li Wangyang was found dead, hung in hospital under very suspicious circumstances. Pictures showed that his feet was touching the ground, so how did he voluntarily “hang himself” given the forensic expert’s opinion finding evidence to the contrary? Many chinese activists are outraged and consider this a Retaliation by Communist Chinese Government for the success of 180,000 strong pro-democracy Tiananmen Memorial Candlight vigil in Victoria Park in hong kong on the 4th June 2012.

For more information about the event, read this blog:

Li Wangyang, a veteran labor rights activist from Hunan Province, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for “incitement to subvert state power” by the People’s Intermediate Court of Shaoyang on September 20, 2001. Li was accused of subversion for demanding that the government pay for treatment of medical conditions he developed during 11 years in prison for promoting labor rights during the 1989 democracy movement.

Born in 1950, Li Wangyang became of the earliest advocates for independent labor unions in China while employed at the Shaoyang Cement Plant. During the 1989 demonstrations, Li founded the Shaoyang Autonomous Workers Union. Union members frequently gave speeches, distributed printed materials, put up “big character posters” and organized committees and demonstrations that advocated better protections for the rights of Chinese workers.

On June 4, 1989, the day of the Beijing Massacre, Li glued a big character poster onto a traffic sign in the People’s Square of Shaoyang City. The poster appealed to local workers to go on strike and to “give their lives to the cause for love of country.” Two days later on June 6, Li and members of other independent organizations in Shaoyang held a public memorial for the victims of the massacre in Beijing. On June 9, Li was detained on charges of “counterrevolutionary propaganda and incitement.” His formal arrest came a week later.

On October 25, 1989, the Shaoyang Intermediate People’s Court convicted Li on this charge, and sentenced him to 13 years in prison and four years’ deprivation of political rights. He was transferred to Hunan No.1 Prison.

In June 1996, Li was moved into a hospital for treatment of heart disease. Returned to prison in March 1997, Li developed severe hearing and vision problems, and his general health deteriorated to the extent that he could not walk without assistance. He was released from prison on June 8, 2000, after he had served 11 years of his 13-year term.

A medical examination following Li’s release revealed that in addition to heart disease, he also suffered from neck problems and had apparently shrunk in height during his stay in prison. Li measured 182 centimeters before entering prison. Eleven years later, he measured only 173 centimeters, the result of being beaten and confined to a cramped cell for many years.

With no source of income and facing large medical bills without health insurance, Li repeatedly petitioned the Shaoyang government to take responsibility for the numerous health problems he had developed as a result of the inhumane treatment he received in prison. Facing only silence in response, Li wrote to the city government on January 5, 2001. He demanded that the authorities act in a spirit of decency and morality, and escort him to the hospital. He threatened to bring his case to the attention of the international community, and said he was willing to lay down his life for the cause if necessary.

Four days later on January 9, city officials escorted Li to the hospital for treatment. But the authorities only arranged to pay for 2,000 yuan worth of medical treatment. On February 2, Li began a hunger strike to protest against the Shaoyang government’s decision to stop paying his medical expenses, while also expressing his opposition to political repression in China in general.

Li’s fast continued for 22 days. Officials from the local government and state security and public security bureaus visited Li in the hospital to discuss his situation. One official demanded that Li stop pressuring the government. Li told relatives he would end his fast but would continue to petition the government to pay his medical care.

Months later on May 6, Li was arrested on charges of “incitement to subvert state power” by agents of Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau at the Daxiang Hospital in Hunan Province. Li’s sister, Li Wanglin, and brother-in-law, Zhao Baozhu, were also taken from their home and put into police custody for questioning. Zhao was later released, but Li Wanglin was sentenced to three years of reeducation through labor for helping her brother publicize his situation and his hunger strike.

Li was convicted of “incitement to subvert state power” by the Shaoyang People’s Intermediate Court on September 5, 2001. Li’s brother-in-law, Zhao Baozhu, and many friends were denied access to the proceedings. In another closed hearing two weeks later, Li was sentenced to 10 more years in prison.
Joseph Chaney & Cai Jiquan

For everyone who reads chinese here, I find this comment by Li Wangyang  very moving!! (English info about Liu can be found here: :

受尽22年酷刑六四工运人士李旺阳永不言悔 (Translated:  Due to his protest of the Tiananmen massacre Li Wangyang was imprisoned for 22 years, yet he says: I regret nothing, ever!) What a courageous man! RESPECT! ♥

李旺陽先生, 一路好走…..余詠詩敬禮 

Translated: “Every inch of Liberty (is won) with an Inch of Blood,
Million miles of rivers (kingdom) bring  million miles of Woes.”
一寸自由一寸血;万里江河万里愁 (滕彪撰联挽李旺阳)

8th June 2012:

Chinese activists from around the world started using this symbol for Li Wang Yang’s death:

9th June 2012: Li WangYang’s last interview on the 2nd June exclusive to HK online TV before he was murdered on the 6th June. he is talking about Tiananmen Massacre and 23 years of hardship, protest, courage & hope! ♥ RIP Li Wang Yang! PLEASE Share!!!

In Denmark, Danish Activists called for everyone in the country to put on a “white rope” around their necks when Hu Jintao visits Copenhagen and they are pressuring their own press to exercise Free speech and ask some “interesting questions”about Li to Hu Jintao when he visits before he goes to the G20.

Message from Danish Activists:

Would you all please share the message to anybody danish – or visiting Denmark this coming week – 14., 15. and 16. June – to wear a white scarf all the time everywhere they go? Please help spread the word! It such a visible – yet very peaceful and compassionate demonstration – that will show in all the press photos if enough people join.

10th June 2012:



In an act of non-violent Protest against the Killing of Tiananmen Students and LI Wang Yang, Hong Kong’s 4th June Tiananmen museum found that someone (we don’t know whom) has Desecrated the historic photo of Deng Shao Ping! …this is a symbolic protest in Southern China that has far reaching implications in the Chinese world given Deng Shao Ping symbolically planted a tiny “money” tree in Shenzhen (bordertown to Hong kong) when China’s economic first boom strategies started in the 80s!

On the same day Li Wang Yang’s body was cremated abruptly preventing the possibility of further forensic inquest!

Hong kong Apple Daily News: Li Wang Yang’s body was Crimated so that no further Forensic Test can be taken by experts to determine his REAL Cause of Death! Is this the Communist Chinese Party YOU want to do business with, world? Send your productions order to Indian or South America, anywhere where you can cost Hu Jintao Trade Money!


11th June 2012.  In the short space of 3 days, Hong Kong managed to organise a 25000 strong demonstration asking for Justice4 LI Wang Yang during a weekday, working hours (which for many HOng kongers are not really the best time to attend a protest!) Yet apart from Apple Daily and am 730, all the other newspaper in Hong kong ignored the news because they were warned to “go cold” to freeze out the call for Justice4 Li Wang Yang!

李旺陽事件三天內能號召2.5萬人上街,請問昨天有比這大的新聞作頭條嗎?看看除了蘋果和am 730 外,其他報紙都冷處理遊行報導,自我審查到這種地步的報紙真係睇嚟都嘥時間!

25K Protestors demanded an explanation to Li Wang Yang’s “fake suicide”!

19th June 2012 from Hong kong re: 1st July Pro-democracy demonstration:

港7·1或逾5萬人上街 全球逾1.3萬人網上連署 北京為平息港人對“六四鐵漢”李旺陽冤案的憤怒,日前急令湖南徹查事件,但湖南當局根本無意查出真相,李旺陽胞妹李旺玲仍然失蹤,為李旺陽申冤的維權人士亦受打壓及恐嚇。支聯會及多個民間團體對北京的“假調查”極為不滿,正部署於6月30日發動大型示威,甚至包圍訪港國家主席胡錦濤下榻的酒店,要他親睹港人對李旺陽“被自殺”的怒火。 當局聲稱將徹查事件之際,李旺陽的家人與朋友仍然“被失蹤”,至今下落不明,未有因重新調查案件而被釋放。北京對李旺陽案的“假調查、真打壓”手法,引來香港泛民人士強烈不滿。 支聯會主席李卓人表示,湖南的做法正好證明北京所謂調查實際只是緩兵之計,旨在為七一遊行消音,“皇帝(胡錦濤)出巡,怕有人告禦狀。”他稱,一定要讓胡錦濤親睹港人對李旺陽冤案的憤怒,正部署6月30日發動大型示威,計畫當晚于胡錦濤下榻的酒店外抗議,令胡錦濤感受到港人怒火。 多個民間團體亦表明將全力配合支聯會6月30日發起的抗議行動,密切留意胡錦濤來港後所到的地點,展開機動式抗議行動,“我們一定會去抗議,要求平反六四、徹查李旺陽事件”。 李旺陽冤死事件,民怨燃燒至6月30日,跨越7月1日,當日遊行人數隨時遠超目標5萬人。警方週五晚向七一遊行發出不反對通知書,列明全面開放所有遊行路線的西行行車線,但不准玩樂器及舞龍舞獅。 不反對通知書列明,遊行當日會開放軒尼詩道、金鐘道等主要道路西行的所有行車線,又要求民陣安排至少200名糾察,並協助警方與參加者溝通,盡力確保參與者不會無牌籌款。 此外,湖南省方面雖表明會重新調查李旺陽死亡真相,但中國維權人士北風在上週三發起的全球連署行動,參與人數有增無減,截至週六中午12時,參與者已超過1.3萬人,參與連署人數仍陸續增加中。 今年七一特區政府換屆,胡錦濤來港主持交接儀式,但香港出現複雜的形勢,而李旺陽事件帶來的衝擊又難以估量,示威遊行的失控危機陡增,北京方面高度重視嚴峻局面,已部署重兵防備。 據悉,解放軍駐港部隊已進入一級戒備,週四晚由惠州秘密調動裝甲車隊來港,作為震懾力量“維穩”。

23 rd June SOS for Human rights!

Translated: Please keep up the pressure to Launch the “Li Wangyang is suicide the fact-finding Commission” which the pro- democracy fighters Zhou Zhirong has been very vocal about! Zhou is being targetted and is considered “a criminal and a thorne in the sides” of Communist Chinese Dictatorship! If the world does not Support Zhou’s case with our utmost attention, the Chinese Communists may once again, sentenced another innocent person to Death! We cannot lose any more Li Wangyang!



So Next Media (Apple Daily Hong kong’s pro-democracy press) just Declared in its newspaper that it is being attacked by phishers contacting those who are activists in Hong kong asking to interview them about yearly 1 July Pro-democracy Hong kong demonstration, impersonating Journalists from Next Media! Who do you think is doing that? 🙂 btw. My Li Wang Yang blog in keeps getting the “Same robot” commenting claiming Li Wang Yang could have killed himself in the last week (funny how no IP is left when its a robot ! )



16 comments on “Translation Updated DAILY: Justice for Li Wang yang! RIP!! 中共6.4血債未償,6月6日又再殺人! G20, Is this the Chinese CommunistGovernment you want to do business with?

  1. 梁支座
    September 27, 2016



  2. 隔音屏障
    September 25, 2016



  3. 水蛋白
    September 18, 2016



  4. 防护网
    September 16, 2016



  5. Pingback: My Accidental Social Entreprenuer Annual Report (2012-2013)! | Sustain-Able 余 : ♥

  6. Arrington
    June 2, 2013

    Nobody desires to have a face or body covered in shame or have their corpse defiled and violated.
    There could easily be a violent reaction like a riot to something chinese people like you experience as government abuse everyday.


    • ceciliawyu
      June 4, 2013

      Dear Arrington. Not me. Made in Hong kong ***stars…5 generations…never met a commie in my life …and since I found out what they are like…never want to meet a commie in my life again….basically being Communist IS the same as Nazies. full stop. they can’t help it. They are born with hate, loves violence and would lie, cheat, steal and roger underage kids (if they could get their hands on them) and lobby to lower the age of consent just so the parents can’t sue. They are disgusting manifestation of humanities worst, most illiterate, most vile, evil, selfish, sociopathic haters. Or they are delusional, lonely, isolated people with loads of psychological damages who romanticises communism in the hope of not feeling so alone.

      Either way, the former needs to be culled as Hitler needed to be culled. The later, needs to be culled also because they are what enabled all the killings and deaths by romanticising a Killer and negating extreme human rights violation.

      They are vile and it is very important to never ever be contaminated by these scumhoes of humanity. Fight their hate, by helping on all those who wish to protect all the Li Wang Yangs of the world! Fight for them, as Li wang Yang refused to yield to their torture and stood up for Humanities Highest goals.

      He is the REal spirit of humanity. He is the Real Chinese spirit…not these commies scumhoes and their collaborating nazi supporters who deserve to die and have their carcass be fed to dogs…except too bad, I love dogs….so I wouldn’t want to give them poisoned, contaminated hate-filled rotting meat!


  7. BobbyWong
    June 20, 2012

    Cecilia, please consider translating the following into Chinese:

    Feet on the ground is no proof of conspiracy theory. Ever heard of partial suspension hanging?

    “by means of partial suspension or partial weight-bearing on the ligature. This method has been most often used in prisons or other institutions, where full suspension support is difficult to devise.”


    • ceciliawyu
      June 20, 2012

      Dear Bobby

      I don’t generally use wikipedia as a source because it is NOT real research.

      I am sure since you are Also chinese you can translate this yourself. WE in Hong kong are not fools nor are we in need of “education” about CSI research, forensics and scientific methods… evidenced by the international experts that congregate around our little 7million metropolis and the fact that according to one of Australia’s Nobel Science Laureate in Pandemics ,we in Hong kong have the foremost experts in these fields of medical research many of whom graduated from the World’s foremost research centers, holding Fellowship and Professorship there!

      So thank you for your Wikipedia input! 🙂

      But OUR experts concluded the following in Hong kong. All the best. CC


      Translated: When the chinese community asked for a forensic expert (CSI) to comment on Li Wang Yang’s crime scene, they found:

      1) The knot used was an expert knot, commonly known as “The king of knots”, safe & secure & infallible BUT rarely perfected unless someone had expert training. Furthermore there was burnt mark to the head in a position that indicated the victim could not inflict on himself (given his disabilities)

      2) Given the weight of Li Wang Yang, if he hung himself, there is no way the rope itself could support his body weight.

      3) Li Wang yang’s left hand was clutching a wire coat-hanger, if he had “hung himself” his natural body reflexes would have bent the wire one way or another, yet the Coat-hanger remain in perfect Triangular shape.

      In the opinions of the CSI expert in the field, the chances of Li Wang Yang commiting suicide is almost ZERO!


  8. Pingback: Keeping up the Artistic ♥ Dialogue: Convo with Team Robbo and Yu! « Sustain-Able 余 : Cecilia's Blog

  9. Claudia Louis
    June 15, 2012

    when i come over and see what you’ve posted i notice that they are always so good. 🙂


  10. ceciliawyu
    June 8, 2012

    From Anna Cheung in New York:

    讓我們竭盡全力為英雄李旺陽討公道 Justice for the Hero Li Wang-yang


    地點:中國駐紐約總領館前42街和第12大道交匯處(W. 42nd Street@12th Avenue)


    中國民主黨 , 中國社會民主黨, 中國自由民主黨, 《北京之春》編輯部, 中國婦權

    June 6, 2012, just after 23 anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre, a bad news arrived. A Chinese democratic movement hero, Li Wang-yang, died in the hospital from Shaoyang, Hunan after a medical treatment. Police said the death of Li Wang-yang was due to suicide, but there are indications that, Li Wang-yang was murdered by assailants who also caused his disability.

    Li Wang-yang was sentenced twice because of the Chinese democratic movement and spent 22 years in prison. He suffered torture and became blind and deaf, but he did not regret of his choice. He determined to struggle for a free and democratic multi-party system until his death. We must not let the murderer go unpunished!
    We have decided to stage a protest before Chinese Consulate General in New York this weekend to pursue justice for our hero Li Wang-yang. Specific arrangement as follows:

    Time: Saturday, June 9, 2012 4:00 pm – 5 pm (EST)
    Location: the Consulate General of China in New York 42nd Street and 12th Avenue interchange (W. 42nd Street, 12th Avenue)
    Subject: Seek justice, truth, and fact, and the assailants should receive punishment

    Hero Li Wang-yang sacrificed his life to advocate for China’s freedom and democracy. Now it is time to practice our own vows! Let us meet at the Consulate General for the hero Li Wang-yang and pursue justice for all persecuted compatriots!

    China Democratic Party, China Social Democratic Party, China Liberal Democratic Party, Beijing Spring and Women right in China


  11. casey madison
    June 6, 2012

    Probably had some help from Chinese Officials in his “suicide”. Chinese people wake up, you guys are all sleeping. Justice for the victim!.


  12. Hillary Brown
    June 6, 2012

    Cecilia, your posts are really bringing home the reality to so many including me.I always think “I’ve seen it, read it, witnessed it, nothing can shock me… and BAM the reality of the lack of human rights to this extent again and again, over and over is shocking beyond belief. These are only a few cases that are known about, and thank god you are willing to share these stories with us. Imagine the stories and the many many real people living in real HELL as well as the people who try so hard to help their loved ones as they see them being treated with disrespect and unbelievable horror… it’s devastating to imagine. You’re efforts to bring awareness are to be applauded and as I know you are not looking for an applause… hopefully with enough people being made aware some change will occur.
    Thank you!


    • ceciliawyu
      June 6, 2012

      Hillary, I am only translating the voices of those who in the midst of standing up for what is right in Victoria Park on the night of 4th June 2012, suddenly woke up to the fact that someone had harmed one of the Mainland China’s most enduring out-spoken advocates of “Justice for all those students Massacred at Tiananmen in 1989″!

      This was a viscious viscous act…and it only serves to make the movement for democracy more enduring. One of Li Wang Yang’s last words were: ” I regret nothing”. straight up: Je ne regrette rien!

      btw. Hu is visiting Denmark next month, the Danes are READY and Waiting to exercise Free speech and ask him about this “alleged suicide”! :/


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