Sustain-Able 余 : ♥

….wild is the wind…creative freedom is the seed….

SDG Action Hub Kenya hosted our side-event United Nation Nairobi Civil Society Conference 2024

@SDG Action Hub Kenya is thrilled to announce the appointment of Ambassador Cecilia W Yu 余詠詩 as our new Executive Director. She brings a wealth of experience in sustainable development and a strong commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this leadership role, Ambassador Cecilia W Yu 余詠詩 will be instrumental in developing and implementing strategies that drive progress towards a more sustainable Kenya. We are confident that her expertise and passion will empower our local volunteers and forge impactful partnerships. We are excited to welcome Ambassador Cecilia W Yu 余詠詩 to the SDG Action Hub Kenya team and look forward to achieving significant progress together.

Thank you Everyone at SDG Action Hub Kenya. I would like to take a moment to appreciate Professor Ezekiel Okemwa lifetime contribution to #Sustainability through his Oceanography and Marine Biology research. We are geuniely thankful for the connections we have because of his Nobel winning IPCC Academic Vision. 💛 I look forward to us working together for #UNCSC United Nations Civil Society Conference in Nairobi Kenya. 😎

Executive Director’s Statement: On May 9-10th 2024, SDG Action Hub Kenya hosted a side-event for United Nations Civil Society Conference in UN Nairobi, Kenya. I am very proud of Professor Ezekiel Okemwa ‘s students “kiddies” (his young adult students), they organised ALL this with no interference from me! He trained them so well for the things they need to achieve for all of Pan-Africa! They got themselves accredited for United Nations Civil Society Conference at UN Nairobi as SDG Action Hub Kenya! They are all so #genuine #authentic and #impressive as Africa’s Sustainable Development work rest on their ability to use their conscience and make decisions that land on “the Right side of Hsitory”! In every generations, including mine, we must all make our personal and professional choices to NEVER sell out our Planet for a tiny bag with “30 pieces of Silver” offered by Climate Obfuscators wrecking our planet. #Sustainability #UN4all

For all my colleagues within the UN Family in Geneva, Paris, New York and now Nairobi: I am very happy to announce that SDG Action Hub Kenya will be hosting a side-event at United Nations Civil Society Conference so for the visitors from #UNESCO #I4T and other Civil Society Visitors, you are all welcome! Sometimes it is important to connect with those who are native to the places you are visiting so we get some grassroot practice perspectives for all the strategies you bring to UN Nairobi….afterall this is what ultimately ALL UN conferences are for…not just to make speeches and do PR …but also to “LISTEN and LEARN with humility and without Prejudice”.

As Executive Director, I am so proud of the seamless transition between Professor Ezekiel Okemwa ‘s sunset, a respectful mourning period, my acceptance of the Executive Director role to continue his lifetime of #Sustainability research….and this CONTINUATION of his research and practice, with a side-event at the 1st High Level Event for Civil Society at United Nations #Nairobi. I am sure Ezekiel would be happy to know that his Academic DNA continue to flourish and build important Anarchic Academic friendships that are the SEEDS of future Climate solutions!

and “This time for Africa…..” 🔥🔥😎💛🖤

It will take me a bit of time to go through the 3000 photos of the side event with #UNNairobi for UN Civil Society Conference 2024….they all look so fun! But let me just say I immediately noticed the “Wall of Fame for UNSDG” signed at the Petrol Station! 🤣🤘🔥🔥 #Endfossilfuel #ClimateJustice for all of Professor Ezekiel Okemwa kids in Pan Africa as it was their future that was ruined! We must insist on the genuine delivery of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and work toward empowering small businesses to #fightback against the negative Social, Economic and Cultural Development effects of #Globalisation and the actions of #Planetwreckers! WELL DONE!!! BRAVO!!!!! Congratulations for a successful and FIRST United Nation side events for EVERYONE at SDG Action Hub Kenya !! 🔥🔥🔥🔥💚💚💚💚💚💚💚😇😇😇😇😇😇👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 AMAZING! For the Democratic values of the FREE WORLD! #UN4all United Nations UNESCO UN Biodiversity PROTECTING the Biodiversity of our Planet in Pan Africa!

We will do all that is Possible and Impossible to attain the values behind the UN SDG goals. As a nod to the courageous and strategically creative Life of Professor Ezekiel Okemwa, let us agree together that we will honour all living things on this planet and beyond….

“To bravely go where no Nobel laureates have gone before….”

Thank you very much.
Executive Director, on behalf of SDG Action Hub, Kenya:

My 4km walk by “living waters” 💙

Doctor Cecilia W. Yu 余詠詩
Artist, Sustainability Economist & Nobel Prize Teacher.

Photo Galleries of the Solidarity Walk Side-event for UN Civil Society Conference 2024! 🙂

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